
Showing posts with the label biology

The Secular Science Industry vs the Abortion Ruling

Addendum added 2 July 2022. We have seen many times in the past where the secular science industry has supported leftist causes, and now it is increasing. This is indeed unfortunate for the scientist who wants to do science stuff. Many of us can relate, having to earn a living trying to do what is best for the patient or customer. Indeed, if a prospective employer reads this and rejects me, their company is not worth my talent. Abortion is a sacred sacrament to leftists. Although fake science gave abortion a veneer of deniability with, "The fetus is not human yet, it is just going through past evolutionary stages", people know full well that the fetus is an unborn human baby. Fetus means  baby. They want to kill it anyway. In  Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization , the United State Supreme Court overturned the terrible legislation of Roe v. Wade  from 1973. Abortion has been an important aspect of the Democrat Party for many years, so they and other leftists are incen

Medical Science Incompatible with Abortion Arguments

In these formerly United States, January 23 is the 38th observance of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday . We are bombarded with claims about "reproductive rights for women", "my body, my choice", and others. The baby has half of the DNA from each parent, which is another problem with such arguments. In many cases, this is a political power grab by people who have had their consciences seared. Abortion is the ending of a human life, but many do not care and are even proud of murder. In very few cases is ending a pregnancy medically necessary. Ultrasound picture from Pexels by Melike Benli By the way, they have the rights to use contraceptives or even abstinence. What women who demand their "rights" are not told are the enduring consequences of having an abortion. Leftists and others who support abortion on demand use several arguments that can easily be refuted , and they also present the viperine falsehood that it is "religious" people who are forci

Science Faces Reality of Genders

There are people who appeal to science as an authority on what they want to hear. The secular science industry has   become increasingly leftist in recent years  (which probably frustrates scientists who want to do actual science without dealing with political agendas). It is still a scientific fact there are only two sexes. Basic biology is not changed  have so-called gender reassignment surgery. Despite a few abnormalities that actually prove the rule,  you cannot change the sex God gave you . Credit: Unsplash /  Jose Chomali When I was doing medical data entry, claim forms had check boxes for male and female. That's it. Nor was there anyplace to note how someone felt that day. It's not just the obvious physical differences, but body chemistry as well. Some medications and treatments for men may react quite differently for women. There are individuals who develop psychological issues lumped as “gender dysphoria” for various reasons, often due to faulty relationships in childh

Weasel Words and the Gay Gene Study

Scientific news confirmed previous scientific news. Namely, there is no such thing as a gay gene. People who claim they were "born this way" can make all kinds of explanations, but genetics is not supporting their lifestyles. The very big new study had scientists and tinhorn news reporters dealing from the bottom of the deck, however. The saying applies here: torture the evidence enough and it'll confess to anything. This study on homosexuality was about behavior, not orientations. Conflicting items from the report were cited, but we see that many genes are associated with homosexual behavior — and with other things as well. One even is a part of the sense of smell, so that's a good indication that the results do not pass the sniff test. An important part of the research tends to be neglected by leftists: causation and correlation are two completely different things. Materialists seek to deny that we are created by God, and are instead slaves to our biochemical im

Tilapia, Regeneration, and Degeneration

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When a creationist submits an article to a major creation science ministry, there is no guarantee that they will put it into their corral. I've had some rejected and a couple that were published, but only after scrutiny from a scientist and other editors. Credit: Freeimages / Alex Ringer When submitting for publication, there are formats and guidelines to follow. One outfit edited an article of mine so much, I barely recognized it. CMI was good to me on this. After I wrote an article for Creation Ministries International about how tilapia is not only an excellent food source but the skin is also useful to treat burn victims , there was a similar development. There was no way I was going to try to have it added to my article. God provided us all sorts of things in nature. We can use them for food, medicinal purposes, and find other ways of using them. Like many of God's gifts and provisions, these can be corrupted by degenerate minds. Ever hea

Modern Creation Scientists Refuting Atheism and Evolution

One of the cornerstones of atheism is evolution , which is their creation myth. Atheists and other anti-creationists have been known to say, "There is no such thing as creation science". These sidewinders also tend to ridicule scientists who are creationists, saying that they are not "real" scientists". I lack belief that those making such claims have done any investigation, preferring instead to use prejudicial conjecture, straw man arguments, and outright lying.  Credit: Pixabay / Konstantin Kolosov The view that someone must be an atheist or naturalist to be a scientist is false. Many of those who put the foundations of modern science in place were creationists, and current creationists have contributed to their disciplines and been published in science journals , often despite the blatant discrimination against creationists as a whole. It is interesting that several biblical creationists began as atheists and eventually realized that recent creation

Science Shows the Differences Between Men and Women

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some people refer to those of us who reject fish-to-fool evolution or the current version of anthropogenic climate change as "science deniers", "anti-science", and similar labels. Such claims are clearly blatant lies utilized to elicit emotional reactions for the sake of demonizing their opponents.  It is not uncommon for advocates of evolution and climate change to misrepresent those they perceive of as enemies , even lying all the more in their straw man "arguments". Part of the problem is the all-or-nothing argumentation; we state that we appreciate real science, but they portray us as if we reject all  science. You savvy? When it comes to differences between men and women, there are indeed science deniers. No, not all of science, but that which is applicable to their gender activism. The Happy Lovers ,  Gustave Courbet, 1844 I have written about the differences between males and females (and how science confirms what t

Genetic Tampering, Ethics, and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is an important topic for any day, but even more so for Question Evolution Day . Western civilization has strong Christian roots which have, in turn, effected ethics. That is mighty helpful, since modern science was mostly founded because of the biblical worldview . Unfortunately, with postmodernism, Darwinism, and materialism galloping wild and free, ethical and moral concerns in science are fading into the background. One example is of scientists who want to keep human embryos alive even longer before killing them . Other countries do not have such ethical constraints from the get-go. China has been working on the CRISPR genome editing tool, and are "unfettered by rules". While we have ethical concerns , the ChiComs are materialists and force atheism on their people, so we know where their "morality" will lead.  In addition, China is moving forward with cloning, announcing that they have successfully cloned two monkeys. The co